陶芸のねんどを潰した形、広げた紙に置いた色から、そのまま柄を写し取り、音が聞こえてきそうな緞通をつくりました。 夜空に星を撒くように色糸を植え込んだ、自由な緞通もあります。
Artistic expression created by people with disabilities in Yamagata is incorporated into the “Yonezawa Dantsu” Rug.
We created special Dantsu rugs whose design is quite vibrant and lively as if they are playing music. The design is created by tracing the actual shape of the crushed ceramic clay and the color placed on the unfolded paper as it is.
Also, there is the other one, on which the colored threads are planted like sprinkle stars shinning in the night sky.
About the traditional Yonezawa Dantsu Rug
Takizawa Kobo located in Yonezawa City, the south part of Yamagata Prefecture in Japan, has made hand-woven rugs since 1966.
By planting a strong bundle of wool with a machine that they had originally developed for the specific purpose, they have created tough rugs out of durable-sewn wool piles , which will not easily come off.
In recent years, Takizawa Kobo aims to create rugs with “comfortable atmosphere” and proposes smaller, modern-designed products that suits the current housing situation. Their attractive rugs have been constantly inquired and featured in various magazines and exhibitions.
山形県を拠点にコンセプトメイキングやグラフィックの分野で活動するデザイナー、𠮷田勝信さん(𠮷勝制作所)に、障害のある人の表現と緞通とを融合させる役を依頼しました。 𠮷田さんは、デザインという行為をとおして生活と仕事を近づける活動、手しごとにおいて素材、プロセスの根本まで立ち戻り、ものや人の関係について本質的に捉え直す活動を実践されています。𠮷田さんは、障害のある人と関わるのはほぼ初めてでしたが、福祉や障害者の一般的な既成概念にとらわれず、地域でのものづくりの可能性をともに考えてくださいました。
A Yamagata-based designer connects the two
We asked Katsunobu Yoshida (Yoshikatsu Production Office), a Yamagata-based designer who has engaged in graphic design and conceptual modelling to integrate creative self-expression by people with disabilities into the traditional Yonezawa Dantsu rugs.
Through his work, Yoshida uses design to bring our work and life much closer and fundamentally recapture the relationship between people and things, while going back to the basics to reconsider each process and material in handcrafting.
While this was almost the first time for Yoshida to interact with people with disabilities, he considered the possibilities of manufacturing products in the local community without being bound by the general preconceived notions of welfare and people with disabilities.
𠮷田勝信(よしだかつのぶ)/ Katsunobu Yoshida

陶芸のねんどを潰した形、広げた紙に置いた色から、そのまま柄を写し取り、音が聞こえてきそうな緞通をつくりました。 サイズは3種類あります。
5rug patterns based on creative expression created by people with disabilities.
We created special Dantsu rugs whose design is quite vibrant and lively as if they are playing music. There are 3 sizes available.
コーディネーター:武田和恵(やまがた障がい者芸術活動推進センター ぎゃらりーら・ら・ら)
ワークショップ参加団体:社会福祉法人 ほのぼの会 わたしの会社、社会福祉法人さくらんぼ共生会、
株式会社修誠会 しょうがい者就労継続支援B型事業所「くらら」
商品写真:伊藤誠一(Good Job!センター香芝)
全体管理:藤井克英(Good Job!センター香芝)
Facilitator, director: Katsunobu Yoshida
Coordinator: Kazue Takeda (Gallery La La La, Yamagata Center for Promotion of Art Activities for People with disabilities)
Workshop Participants: Social welfare Corporation Honobono Kai(Watashi no Kaisha)
Social welfare Corporation Sakuranbo Kyoseikai
Shuseikai Corporation、Work Continuous employment Support center for People with disabilities Kurara
Photographer: Haruko Miura
Photographer (Products): Seiichi Ito (Good Job! Center)
Project Manager: Katsuhide Fujii (Good Job! Center)
Planner: Tanpopo-no-ye Foundation
Manufacturer : Yonezawa Dantsu Takizawa Koubou Ltd.
Distributor:Good Job! Center Kashiba